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Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Step by Step Creating Poetry

In making poems there are some things that need our attention, is as follows.

1. theme
Principal theme is the idea that we wish to express in poetry that we buat.Tapi, for a beginner it is sometimes difficult to determine a suitable theme for puisinya.Namun, themes can be explored (exploratory) mdari life experiences, events that we've experienced, or imagination.

2. diction
In the poem, the words used are connotative and figurative meaning puitis.Konotasi or meaning more than likely have the effect of beauty satu.Puitis meaningful and different from the words we use daily.

3. Rima
Rima is also often called the poem or rhyme, is a repetition of sounds in poetry for poetry merdu.Dalam effect, the use of rhyming poems are very supportive atmosphere hati.Ada two common euphony in poetry, the alliteration and euphony merypakan asonansi.Aliterasi generated by huryf dead or consonant, while asonansi is euphony produced by vowels.

4. style of language
Apart from the elements described above, the other poetic elements of style or language poetry kiasan.Gaya language has to be fresh, lively and explain the general overview angan.Sifat baghasa the poem style attribute something to decree anything menghubungklan view of how the other.

Traditional Indonesian Art Endangered

Dozens of traditional arts in West Java endangered. Of the 243 types of art available, including more than 40 arts under threat. Head of Tourism and Culture, West Java, Nunung Sobari say, art-art is already no place in society. In addition to traditional arts regenerate barren be one issue.

"Indicators or say cause one type of art is almost extinct, there are three, the first frequency is less pagelarannya, which both lack of regeneration, and the third, infrastructure or infrastructure must be improved."

Head of Tourism and Culture, West Java, Nunung Sobari added, endangered art including theater arts and theater folk. He said, if there is no preservation of local government, the art will be threatened with extinction.


Reacting to sound slow or bisikan.o Glad to play "peekaboo" o Getting to know family members, fear of people who have not dikenal.Umur 12-18 bulano berpegangan.o Bending Stand alone without picking up toys and then stand kembali.o Walking backwards 5 langkah.o Calling father with the word "papa", calling the mother with the word "mama". o Stacking two cubes in kotak.o kubus.o Enter yor what he wants without crying / whining, children can make a sound that menyenano Shows jealousy / bersaing.Umur 18-24 bulano Stand alone without holding 30 detik.o walk without stumbling huyung.o Clapping, waving lambai.o Stacking 4 pieces kubus.o Picking up small objects with thumb and finger telunjuk.o ball rolling Calling towards sasaran.o 3-6 words that have arti.o Help / mimic homework tangga.o Holding the cup itself, learning to eat - drink sendiri.Umur 24-36 bulano sendiri.o road up the stairs to play and kick a small ball. o Doodling pencil on kertas.o Talk well, using 2 kata.o to appoint one or more parts of his body when diminta.o View images and may be called the names of two objects or lebih.o Help collect toys themselves or help raise Eating rice dishes if diminta.o own without much tumpah.o Removing clothes sendiri.Umur 36-48 bulano Stand 1 foot 2 seconds o jump both feet diangkato Pedal bicycle wheels Drawing lines tiga.o luruso Piled 8 pieces kubus.o Know 2 - 4 warna.o The name, age, tempat.o Understand the meaning of the word above, below, in depan.o Listen to the story.
o Washing and drying hands sendirio Play with a friend, follow the rules permainano sendiri.o Wearing shoes Wearing long pants, shirts, bajuUmur 48-60 bulano Stand 1 foot 6 detik.o Jumping 1 kaki.o Menari.o Draw a cross. o Drawing lingkaran.o Drawing people with 3 parts tubuh.o buttoning clothing or clothing boneka.o The name dibantuo Glad complete without mention of words baru.o Glad ask about sesuatuo Answering a question with the words that He spoke easily dimengertio benar.o Can compare / differentiate something of the size and bentuknyao Calling numbers, counting jario Calling names Hario Dressed without dibantu.o Brushing teeth without dibantu.o Reacts calm and no fuss when left ibu.Umur 60-72 bulano Walking lurus.o Stand with 1 leg for 11 detik.o Drawing with 6 parts, drawing the small ball lengkapo Capturing both in terms empat.o tangano Drawing Understand the meaning of the opponent katao Understand conversations using 7 words or lebiho Answering questions about what things are made of and kegunaannya.o Know the numbers, can count the number of 5-10o Know the color-warnio Reveals simpatio permainano Dressed follow rules without assistance7. Some Disorders Growing-Flowers Frequently Found.
1.Gangguan bahasa.Kemampuan speech and language is an indicator of the whole development of the child. Because
language skills are sensitive to delay or damage to sistemlainnya, because involving cognitive, motor, psychological, emotional and lingkungansekitar children. Lack of stimulation will cause impaired speech and language disorders can even menetap.2.Cerebral palsy.Merupakan a disorder of movement and posture that is not progressive, yangdisebabkan because of a damage / disruption of motor cells in the center of a growing susunansaraf / pertumbuhannya.3.Sindrom unfinished Down.Anak with Down syndrome are individuals who can be known from fenotipnya danmempunyai limited intelligence, which occur due to excessive number of chromosomes 21yang. Progresses more slowly than normal children. Several factors, such as congenital heart defects, severe hypotonia, ataulingkungan other biological problems can cause delays in motor development danketerampilan to help themselves sendiri.4.Perawakan Pendek.Short stature or short stature is a terminology regarding height under the third percentile or - 2 SD on a growth curve in effect at the population. The cause can be due to normal varisasi, nutritional disorders, chromosomal abnormalities, systemic disease or a disorder endokrin.5.Gangguan Autisme.Merupakan pervasive developmental disorder in children whose symptoms appear sebelumanak 3 years old. Pervasive means sehinggagangguan covers all aspects of the development is very broad and heavy, which affects child development mendalam.Gangguan found in autism include interaksisosial field, communications and perilaku.6.Retardasi Mental.Merupakan a condition characterized by low intelligence (IQ < 70) yangmenyebabkan inability of the individual to learn and adapt to the capabilities tuntutanmasyarakat considered normal.
7.Gangguan Concentration Attention and Hyperactivity (GPPH) is a disorder in which children have difficulty concentrating perhatianyang often accompanied by hyperactivity.

The process of formulation of Pancasila as the State of RI

At the end of World War II, Japan began much defeat everywhere from Allied. Many areas are already occupied Japan have fallen into Allied hands. Japan was no longer able to compensate troops Allied attack. To that end, Japan promised independence to the Indonesian people not to fight and willing to help him fight the Allies.

Investigation Agency Formation Efforts Preparation of Indonesian Independence

Japan assured of Indonesia concerning the promised independence by forming Investigation Agency Efforts Preparation of Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI). The agency in Japanese is called Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai. General Kumakichi Harada, commander of Japanese forces on Java on March 1, 1945 announced the formation of BPUPKI. On 28 April 1945 announced the appointment of members BPUPKI. Inauguration ceremony held at the House Cuo in Pejambon Sangi In Jakarta (now the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Building). Chairman appointed BPUPKI Japan is dr. Rajiman Wedyodiningrat, his deputy is Icibangase (Japan), and the secretary is RP Soeroso. The number of members BPUPKI are 63 people representing almost the entire territory of Indonesia plus 7 people without a voice.

                                                  Atmosphere Session BPUPKI

First BPUPKI trial period (29 May-1 June 1945)
Once formed BPUPKI soon hold hearings. BPUPKI first trial period began on May 29, 1945 until June 1, 1945. During the trial, the state BPUPKI discusses basic formulas for Indonesia's independence. At the hearing expressed varying opinions about the state to be used independent Indonesia. The opinion was delivered by Mr.. Mohammad Yamin, Mr. Supomo, and Ir. Sukarno.
Mr. Mohammad Yamin
Mr. Mohammad Yamin expressed his thoughts on the state of independent Indonesia BPUPKI before the hearing on May 29, 1945. The thinking is entitled "Basic Principles and State Nationality RepublicIndonesia ". Mr. Mohammad Yamin suggested Indonesia foundation independent country that essentially as follows:

fairy nationality;
fairy deity;
popular fairy;

Mr. Supomo
Mr. Supomo thoughts turn argued before the court BPUPKI on May 31, 1945. The idea seems to be an explanation of the problems related to the basic state of independent Indonesia. State ought to be set based on the integrality state the following:

physical and spiritual balance;
social justice.

Ir. Sukarno
On June 1, 1945 Ir. Sukarno had the opportunity to express the state of independent Indonesia. The idea seems to consist of the following five principles:

Indonesian nationality;
internationalism or humanity;
consensus or democracy;
social welfare;
Belief in God Almighty.

The five principles of Pancasila was given the name by my friends are linguists. Henceforth, June 1, we commemorated as the day of Term Birth of Pancasila.

Second trial period (10-16 July 1945)
BPUPKI first trial period is over, but the basic formula for Indonesia's independence has not been established. In fact, BPUPKI will recess (break) a full month. For that, BPUPKI form the basis of the drafting committee of nine members of the so-called Committee of Nine. Nine committee task was to accommodate the aspirations of the state formation of independent Indonesia. Nine committee members consisting of Ir. Sukarno (chairman), Abdulkahar Muzakir, Drs. Moh. Hatta, K.H. Wachid Abdul Hashim, Mr. Moh. Yamin, H. Agus Salim, Ahmad Subarjo, Abikusno Cokrosuryo, and A. A. Maramis. Committee of Nine to work smart so that on June 22, 1945 succeeded in formulating the state for Indonesia's independence. The formula was by Mr. Moh. Yamin was named Charter Jakarta or Jakarta Charter.
On 10 until July 16, 1945, held a second hearing BPUPKI. During this trial, BPUPKI discuss the draft constitution. To that end, the Committee established designer Constitution chaired by Ir. Sukarno. The committee also formed a small group of seven people specially formulated draft constitution. The small group is chaired by Mr. Supomo with members Wongsonegoro, Ahmad Subarjo, Singgih, H. Agus Salim, and Sukiman. His work was later refined by the Committee Smoothing linguistic language consisting Jayadiningrat Hussein, H. Agus Salim, and Mr. Supomo. Ir. Sukarno Committee work report designer Act BPUPKI hearing date on July 14, 1945. In the report mentioned three main points, namely Indonesia's independence declaration, the opening of the constitution, and the constitution (torso). On June 15 and July 16, 1945 held a hearing to formulate the Constitution based on the work of the Committee designer Constitution. On July 17, 1945 reported the work of drafting the constitution. Reports received plenary BPUPKI

The establishment of the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence

On August 7, 1945 BPUPKI Japan disbanded. To follow up the work of BPUPKI, Japan established the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI). The agency in Japanese is called Dokuritsu Junbi Iinkai. PPKI consists of 21 people representing all levels of Indonesian society. They consist of 12 representatives from Java, Sumatra representative of 3 people, 2 representatives from Sulawesi, and a representative of the Lesser Sundas, the Moluccas, and the Chinese population. PPKI Chairman on August 18, 1945, adding six more PPKI so that all members of the 27 people PPKI.
PPKI led by Ir. Sukarno, deputy Drs. Moh. Hatta, and counselors Ahmad Subarjo. The members are Mr. Supomo, dr. Rajiman Wedyodiningrat, R.P. Suroso, Sutardjo, K.H. Wachid Abdul Hashim, Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, Oto Iskandardinata, Suryohamijoyo, Abdul Kadir, Puruboyo, Tjwan Bing Yap, Latuharhary, Dr. Amir, Abdul Abbas, Teuku Moh. Hasan, Hamdani, Sam Ratulangi, Andy Prince, I Gusti Ktut Pudja, Wiranatakusumah, Ki Hajar Dewantara, Kasman Singodimejo, Sayuti Melik, and Iwa Kusumasumantri.

The process of establishment of the State and the Constitution of the State
On August 18, 1945, PPKI held its first session. In this trial PPKI discuss the constitution of Indonesia, the President and Vice President of Indonesia, as well as agencies that help the task of the President of Indonesia. PPKI discuss the state constitution by using a script Indonesia Jakarta Charter, which was ratified BPUPKI. However, before the trial began, Bung Hatta and several Muslim leaders held a discussion of the problem itself to find solutions sentence "... with the obligation to carry out Islamic adherents "in the phrase" the Deity with the obligation to carry out Islamic adherents ". Islamic leaders are discussing is Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, Kasman Singodimejo, KH Wachid Abdul Hashim, and Teuku Moh. Hassan. They need to discuss it as a message from people of other faiths and especially figures from eastern Indonesia who objected to the sentence. They threatened to set up their own state if the word is not changed. In a time not too long, reached an agreement to eliminate the phrase "... with the obligation to carry out Islamic adherents ". This is done to keep the unity of the nation of Indonesia. We should appreciate the value of fighting the leaders agreed to eliminate the phrase ".... with the obligation to carry out Islamic adherents. "leaders PPKI minded and have a high sense of nationalism. They also put the interests of the nation above personal interests and groups. The purpose of the discussion held at the forum court itself is not the problem so quickly done. With the approval of the change is then immediately opened the first trial PPKI.

Differences and Agreement which comes in a session PPKI
In the first trial the draft constitution PPKI BPUPKI work discussed again. In the discussion of proposed changes to the group posed Hatta. They proposed two changes.
First, with regard to the first principle which originally read "Godhead with the obligation to carry out Islamic adherents" was changed to "Belief in God Almighty". Second, Chapter II, Article 6 of the original Constitution states that "The President shall be Indonesian Muslims" was changed to "The President shall be a native Indonesian". All proposals received trial participants. It shows they are very concerned about the unity and integrity of the nation. Received the draft basic law BPUPKI on July 17, 1945 after PPKI passed as perfected by the Constitution of the State of Indonesia. Constitution that became known as the 1945 Constitution. The existence of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia announced in the news Year-2 No.. 7 Year 1946 on pages 45-48.
Systematics of the 1945 Constitution was made up as follows.

Opening (preamble) of the 1945 Constitution consists of four paragraphs. At Alenia to-4 UUD 1945 listed Pancasila as the state, which reads as follows.


Belief in God Almighty.
Just and civilized humanity.
Unity of Indonesia.
Democracy guided by the inner wisdom of deliberation / representation.
Social justice for all Indonesian people.

The torso of the 1945 consists of 16 chapters, 37 articles, 4 of article transitional rules, and the second paragraph extra rules
Explanation of the 1945 consists of an overview and explanation chapter by chapter.

The composition and formulation of Pancasila contained in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution constitute the entire agreement of the Indonesian nation. Therefore, from that moment the Indonesian nation was determined to make the Pancasila as the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia.

Indonesia's economic growth world number two

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Bank Indonesia noted that the country's economic growth this year of 6.3 percent, would be the second highest growth in the world after China reached 7.8 percent.

"Compared to other countries in the world, second only to our growth in China," said Executive Director of Economic Research and Monetary Policy Bank Indonesia Warjiyo Perry on Friday.

According to him, Bank Indonesia is confident economic growth this year is still pretty good and reached 6.3 percent, although lower than the previous estimate of 6.4 percent.

Previously, the central bank said that growth in the economy would grow between 6.1 to 6.5 percent with the main possibilities at the level of 6.3 percent. In 2013, economic growth is expected to be between 6.3 to 6.7 percent with a probability at 6.5 percent.

While global growth is expected to slow this year from 3.2 percent to 3.1 percent, while in 2013, down from 3.5 percent to 3.4 percent.

Indonesia's economic slowdown from 6.4 percent to 6.3 percent, according to Perry more because of the impact of the world economic crisis began to affect the export side of the Indonesian economy.

Indonesia is still high economic growth more sustained strength of household consumption is expected to grow 5.1 percent in the third quarter of 2012, while investment grew 10.9 percent.

Investment growth is down from the original estimate of 12 percent, due to the impact of the decline in investment in export-oriented sectors.

Contents Principles of Surah Al-Ahqaf

Principles of Contents

         The arguments and evidence of the oneness of God and that the idolaters are misguided
         The believers will receive the happiness and the unbelievers will punished
         Proceedings of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. not limited only to human beings but also to the genie

     The laws

     The command to man into obedience to the father and mother, honor and doing what God approves ban against him and hurt him.

     The stories

     Story of Prophet Hud A.S. and his people

         People who are concerned with the enjoyment of worldly life will lose it in the Hereafter
         People who believe in God and in his life beristiqamah no fear come upon them, and they do not grieve

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Surah Al-Ahqaf

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012


The amendment is an official document or official change catatantertentu, especially for memperbagusnya. These changes may berupapenambahan or deletion of records is also wrong, not sesuailagi. This word is generally used to refer to a country padakonstitusi changes (constitutional amendment). Konstitusionalmerupakan basic principles of political and legal mencangkupstruktur, procedures and powers / rights and obligations. Because it is very closely related constitutional amendments karenabertujuan to fix a record / document that covers important suatunegara forms, structures, procedures, so that better darisebelumnya (wikipedia.org).

The purpose of changing the Constitution is adalahuntuk perfecting the basic rules regarding the order of the State, sovereignty, human rights, power sharing, social welfare, democracy and the existence of the rule of law, and other matters in accordance with the development aspirations and kebutuhanbangsa

Characteristics of Political Culture

Political culture are values ​​developed and practiced by a particular society in politics. The characteristics of the political culture is

     -for regulating power
     -government policy-making process
     -the activities of political parties
     -behavior of the state apparatus
     -the political culture comes to legitimacy
     -any public unrest against the ruling powers
     -regarding allocation pattern of community resources

Characteristics of Poetry

Characteristics of Poetry - For friends who want to know the characteristics of poetry, including the characteristics of the old poems and new poems, so in this post will be discussed a little about it. For friends who like the poem, then of course friends also should not forget the characteristics of a poem which is favored by the friend. That is why the post is made, so that friends would be better to understand more about the meaning of a poem.

Here are the characteristics of poetry, good poetry poems old and new traits.

Characteristics of Poetry Lama:
1. Anonymous (author unknown)
2. Bound the number of lines, rhyme, and rhythm
3. An oral literature
4. Style is static (fixed) and cliches
5. Fantastic contents and istanasentris

The characteristics of New Poetry:
1. author unknown
2. Not tied to the number of lines, rhyme, and rhythm
3. Developing oral and written
4. Style is dynamic (changing)
5. It was about life in general

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Indonesian Traditional Musical Instruments,

Who ever knows for sure how many traditional musical instrument of Indonesia. What an intellectual property Indonesian culture is priceless. But on the other hand there are many who do not know have never even heard of traditional musical instruments are played, amid the rush of the modern music industry is a traditional musical instrument is increasingly marginalized.

Angklung from West Java

See also: KlungBot, Music Robot Artificial elementary and junior high school children who are adept at playing angklung. And as previously claimed by Malaysia: Finally Admits By Angklung Indonesia in UNESCO, Malaysia Once Again claim.


Kulintang of North Sulawesi


Tambourine from Java

Rebana dari Jawa

Sasando of NTT

Traditional musical instrument which is a traditional Indonesian musical instrument has many varieties from various regions in Indonesia, but many of the traditional musical instrument of Indonesia 'stolen' by other countries for the benefit of the addition of the culture and art of music itself by patenting copyright arts and culture of Indonesia.

And even more worrying is when the traditional instrument is already forgotten, we suddenly startled when another country freely claim that the traditional instrument was theirs. Remember the Angklung. Although later Angklung is listed as Masterpieces of Oral Heritage and Human Nonbendawi Indonesia from UNESCO in November 2010. But there are many more of our traditional musical instrument which threatened 'stolen' like Bonang, Calempong, Xylophone, Kenong, Saron, etc. by other countries, even without shame they have to register as on a website.

Recognize and Patented before di'curi 'people


Dance Banjar divided into two, namely the art of dance that developed in the palace (palace), and the art of dance developed by the people. Dance palace marked with the name "Baksa" comes from the Javanese (beksan) that indicates smoothness of motion in local dance. Dances have been around hundreds of years ago, since the time of hindu, but the movement and clothing has adapted to the circumstances of today. For example, certain movements are considered incompatible with Islamic manners were little changed. Banjar area of dance known as:

     Dance Flower Baksa, the welcome visitor.
     Baksa Dance Arrow
     Dance Baksa Dadap
     Candle Dance Baksa
     Dance Baksa shield
     Dance Radap Rahayu
     Horse Dance braid
     Dance Japin / Jepen
     Dance Kuala Tirik
     dance Gandut
     dance Tirik
     dance Babujugan
     Dance Jepen Lenggang Banua
     Dance Japin Hadrah
     Fan Dance Kambang
     dance Balatik
     Dance Parigal Amban
     Dance shields Cakrawati
     Alahai Sweetheart Dance

Traditional Arts

Traditional art is art elements that are part of living in a nation / tribe / clan / particular nation. Traditional is the action and behavior that came naturally because of the need of a previous ancestor. Tradition is part of traditional but can be destroyed by ketidamauan people to follow the tradition of terse

Banjar traditional art
Banjar traditional art is art elements that are part of life in Banjar tribe. Traditional is the action and behavior that came naturally because of the need of a previous ancestor. Tradition is part of traditional but can be destroyed by ketidamauan people to follow the tradition.
Cultures that developed in Banjarmasin very much to do with rivers, swamps and lakes, as well as the mountains. Plants and animals that inhabit this area are very much used to fulfill their lives. Necessities of life that inhabit this region by utilizing the natural environment with the results of cultural objects are customizable. almost all their lives completely relegius. In addition, people also agrarian, merchants with the technology which is still largely traditional.
Kinship ties began to loose compared to the past, more social life orientation leads to intellectual and religious. Religious emotions are still clearly visible in the lives of all ethnic groups in South Kalimantan.
Urang Banjar develop cultural systems, social systems, and material culture associated with relegi, through the process of adaptation, acculturation and assimilation. So it seems the assimilation in cultural aspects. Despite the views or Islamic influence is dominant in the cultural life of Banjar, almost identical with Islam, particularly with a view associated with the deity (monotheism), although in everyday life there are still elements of native culture, Hinduism and Buddhism.
Sculpture and architecture appear once Banjar traditional cultural assimilation, as well as household appliances, transport, dance, singing and so on.
Banjar society has known various types and forms of art, both Classical Art, Folk Art, Religious Art and Art belongs to the people of Banjar
Banjar tribe to develop the arts and culture that is quite complete, although its development is not maximized, covering various branches of art.

Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence

Initially composed PPKI 21 people (12 people from Java, 3 people from Sumatra, 2 people of Sulawesi, one person from Borneo, one person from the Nusa Tenggara, one of the Moluccas, one person from the Chinese). PPKI initial arrangement is as follows

     Ir. Sukarno (Chairman)
     Drs. Moh. Hatta (Vice Chairman)
     Prof. Mr. Dr. Soepomo (Member)
     KRT Radjiman Wedyodiningrat (Member)
     R. P. Soeroso (Member)
     Soetardjo Kartohadikoesoemo (Member)
     Kiai Abdoel Wachid Hasjim (Member)
     Ki Bagus Hadikusumo (Member)
     Otto Iskandardinata (Member)
     Abdoel Kadir (Member)
     Prince Soerjohamidjojo (Member)
     Prince Poerbojo (Member)
     Dr. Mohammad Amir (Member)
     Mr. Abdul Maghfar (Member)
     Mr. Teuku Mohammad Hasan (Member)
     Dr. GSSJ Ratulangi (A) [4]
     Andi Pangerang (Member)
     A.H. Hamidan (Member)
     I Goesti Ketoet Poedja (Member)
     Mr. Johannes Latuharhary (Member)
     Drs. Yap Tjwan Bing (Member)

Furthermore, without the knowledge of Japanese, the membership grew 6 [5]:

     Achmad Soebardjo (Advisory)
     Sajoeti Melik (Member)
     Ki Hajar Dewantara (Member)
     R.A.A. Wiranatakoesoema (Member)
     Kasman Singodimedjo (Member)
     Iwa Koesoemasoemantri (Member)

Pancasila formulations

Pancasila as the state of the Republic of Indonesia has been widely accepted and has to be final. This was re-affirmed in MPR Decree No. XVIII/MPR/1998 on the revocation of the People's Consultative Assembly Of the Republic of Indonesia No.. Living the II/MPR/1978 on Guidelines and Pancasila (Ekaprasetya Pancakarsa) and Decision on Confirmation of Pancasila as the State Legislative Act No. jo. I/MPR/2003 on review of Against Material and Legal Status Provisional People's Consultative Assembly Decree and the Decree of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1960 to the Year 2002. Additionally Pancasila as the state is the result of an agreement with the Founding were then often referred to as an "Agreement Sublime" Indonesia.
But behind it there is a long history of formulating principles of Pancasila Indonesia nationality grammatical way. History is so sensitive, and any-one can threaten the integrity of the Indonesian state. This is because so many polemics and controversy both acute and prolonged the first proposer to whom the originator of the term ideology. This article wherever possible to avoid polemics and controversy. Therefore, this article is more of a "comparison" (not "match") between one another formula contained in different documents. Placement of an earlier formulation does not reduce the notch over the final formulation.
Chronicles the history of at least some formulations Pancasila has or ever appeared. The formulation of Pancasila with one another formulation was different but some are the same. In successive formulation will be presented from Muh Yamin, Sukarno, the Jakarta Charter, BPUPKI Results, Results PPKI, RIS Constitution, the Constitution Meanwhile, 1945 (Presidential Decree July 5, 1959), Different version, and popular versions developed in the community.Table of contents

History of the 1945 Constitution

To know more about the policy directions of law in Indonesia, of course, we need information about the history of the 1945 Constitution, which occurred in the past. Here is the data that we gather from wikipedia.
The period of validity of the 1945 Constitution August 18, 1945 - December 27, 1949In the period 1945-1950, the 1945 Constitution was not fully implemented because Indonesia was preoccupied with the struggle for independence. Notice No. X Vice President on October 16, 1945 decided that KNIP handed legislative powers, as MPR and DPR has not been established. Dated 14 November 1945 Semi-formed Cabinet Presidensiel ("Semi-Parliamentary") of the first, so this event is a change in the system of government in order to be more democratic.
Constitutional validity period RIS 1949 December 27, 1949 - August 17, 1950At this time Indonesia was a parliamentary system of government. Form of government and shape the country in which the federation is made up of states that each state has its own sovereignty to take care of its own affairs.
1950 Provisional Constitution Period August 17, 1950 - July 5, 1959At this time Indonesia was a parliamentary system of government.
Period of return to the 1945 July 5 1959 to 1966Because of the political situation in the Constituent Assembly in 1959 where many tug mutual interests of political parties that failed to produce a new constitution, then on July 5, 1959, President Sukarno issued Presidential Decree which one it reinstated the 1945 Constitution as the basic law, replacing Law While the 1950 Constitution in force at that time.
At this time, there are many irregularities of the 1945 Constitution, including:- The President shall appoint the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the MPR / DPR and MA as well as Vice Chairman of the DPA as Minister of State- MPRS set Sukarno as president for life- Revolt of the Communist Party of Indonesia through September 30th Movement, the Communist Party of Indonesia
Period 1945 the new order March 11, 1966 - May 21, 1998During the New Order (1966-1998), the Government has said it will run the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila genuine and consistent. But apparently deviate from the implementation of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution were pure, especially violations of Article 23 (payable Conglomerate / private debt burden of the people made Indonesia / public debt) and 33 of the 1945 Constitution which gives power to private parties to destroy our forests and sumberalam.
During the New Order, the 1945 constitution was also a "sacred", between through a number of rules:- Decree No. I/MPR/1983 which states that the Assembly is determined to defend the 1945 Constitution, was not willing to make changes to it- Decree No. IV/MPR/1983 about the referendum among other things, that if the Assembly wishes to change the 1945 Constitution, must first ask the opinion of the people through a referendum.- Act No. 5 of 1985 on the referendum, which is an implementation of the TAP MPR No. IV/MPR/1983.
Period May 21, 1998 - October 19, 1999During this period, known as the transition period. That period since President Suharto was replaced by BJ Habibie to release East Timor Province of the Republic of Indonesia.
The period of the 1945 AmendmentsOne of the demands of the Reformation in 1998 was the revision (amendment) of the 1945 Constitution. Background to the changing demands of the 1945 Constitution in part because during the New Order, the highest authority in the hands of the Assembly (and in fact not in the hands of the people), enormous power to the President, the chapters are too "flexible" (so as to give rise to multiple interpretations ), and the fact the formulation of the 1945 Constitution of the spirit that state officials have not adequately supported the constitutional provisions.
Purpose of the 1945 changes to the time it is perfecting the basic rules such as the order of the state, sovereignty, human rights, power sharing, the existence of democracy and the rule of law, and other matters in accordance with the development aspirations and needs of the nation. The 1945 changes to the agreement which did not change the 1945 Constitution, while maintaining state structure (staat structuur) unity or later better known as the Republic of Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia), as well as reinforce the presidential system of government.
In the period 1999-2002, the 1945 Constitution had 4 times the changes (amendments) are set out in the General Assembly and Annual Session of the Assembly:- General Session, 1999, on 14-21 October 1999 → 1945 First Amendment- 2000 MPR Annual Session, 7-18 August 2000 → Second Amendment to the 1945 Constitution- 2001 MPR Annual Session, on 1-9 November 2001 → 1945 Third Amendment- 2002 MPR Annual Session, on 1-11 August 2002 → 1945 Constitution of the Fourth Amendment