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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Produktif. Tampilkan semua postingan

Jumat, 07 Desember 2012




Marquee Tool (Shift + M & M)

Function to create a selection area on the image.
 Move Tool (V)
Serves to move the selected area, layer, or image.

 Lasso Tool (L & Shift + L)
Serves to make the selection area manually in the image / picture.

 Magic Wand Tool (W & Shift + W)
Serves to make the selected area based on color image / picture.

 Crop Tool (C)
Serves to minimize the area of
​​the image / picture.

 Slice Tool (Shift + K & K)
Serves to make the cut image into multiple frames.

 Healing Brush Tool (J & Shift + J)
Serves to mengklir or polish image with the existing pattern of the image.

 Brush Tool (B & Shift + B)
Serves to paint a picture with a brush or a pencil.

 Clone Stamp Tool (S & Shift + S)
Its function is similar to the Healing Brush Tool.

 History Brush Tool (Y & Shift + Y)
Its function is to paint the image with the snapshot image.

 Eraser Tool (E & Shift + E)
As the name suggests, this tool serves to remove certain areas of the image.

 Paint Tool (G and Shift + G)
Its function is to give color to match the color of the foreground image of her.

 Blur Tool (Shift + R and R)
There are several types on tools like blur tool, sharpen tool, and smudge tool. Try to use each of its tools, you will understand each other's differences.

 Burn Tool (O and Shift + O)
As well as the blur tool, burn tool is also composed of several types, such as the dodge tool, burn tool and sponge tool, to see the differences in each of these tools, try experimenting with your image ...

 Pen Tool (P and Shift + P)
Its main function is to make a path or line, usually the path is often used to modify the script so that the writing made in accordance with the path.

 Type Tool (T and Shift + T)
Its function is to add to the inscription on the image. There are several types of text directions, horizontally and vertically.

 Selection Tool (A and Shift + A)
Its main function is to change the direction of ataubentuk path we have created with the pen tool.

 Shape Tool (U and Shift + U)
There are several forms that exist on the shape tool, such as squares, circles, etc.. Especially for the type of custom tool, you can choose a variety of shapes that are available, or you can download it via the internet shape.

 Notes Tool (N and Shift + N)
Its main function is to provide a small note on the image.

 Eyedropper Tool (I and Shift + I)
Its function is to change the foreground or background colors match the colors that exist in a particular image.

 Hand Tool (H)
Its main function is to transform the viewing direction on the full size image.

 Zoom Tool (Z)
Its function is to enlarge or reduce the image display.
Tip: To enlarge the image (Ctrl and +)
To minimize image (Ctrl and -)
 Color Tool
With this single tool, you can change the composition of the color you want to use.
Tip: To change the default color to press Ctrl + D
To change the position of the color press Ctrl + X

 Quick Mask Mode (Q)
Its function is to facilitate us to make the selection area using the brush tool.
Tip: When you've done with the selection brush tool, return the mask to the normal mode, the result will look beyond the image selection area we choose, to change its location using Select> Inverse (Shift + Ctrl + I).

 Screen Mode (F)
With this tool, you can change the look of the image window.
Okey, just here a brief explanation of tools in Photoshop, I hope this article can give you an understanding of the tools available .. I wait commentnya ya .. Congratulations to experiment ...



1. Do not use near water
2. do not slam
3. Do not block the ventilation openings
4. Do not menyaemprot insecticides or other chemicals
5. Do not use gasoline for cleaning
6. should not be installed near the electromagnet.
7. should not be installed near the equipment that generate heat
8. Clean with a soft, dry cloth
9. After wearing a removable battery.
10. to a safe place.

What hrus defragmenting and why do we do it? Fragmentation occurs when sistem.operasi break the file into pieces "because there is not enough space on the storage divice where the files were originally disimpan.Defragmenting is the term given to the process of scanning the file system digabumg back into sequential chunks.
Deleting temporary files dpt dr help keep your computer running slow / fast.
for backing up is auntuk create a backup copy of files and memyimpannya separately.
Cd copy writer becomes affordable, it is ideal for backing up data in quantities (cd) writer is also very easy.

1. Do not use near water
2. do not slam
3. Do not block the ventilation openings
4. Do not menyaemprot insecticides or other chemicals
5. Do not use gasoline for cleaning
6. should not be installed near the electromagnet.
7. should not be installed near the equipment that generate heat
8. Clean with a soft, dry cloth
9. After wearing a removable battery.
10. to a safe place.




Understanding The Etymology Multimedia
Describe  on multimedia
Multimedia (multi = many; media = medium / tool and a way to communicate information)
Multimedia is the use of computers to present and combine text, sound, images, animation and video with tools bantu ([tool]) and the connection ([link]) so that users can learn ([navigation]), interact, work and communicate.
Multimedia is often used in the world of entertainment. Apart from the world of entertainment, Multimedia also adopted by the World Games
Multimedia is also used in education and business.
In education, multimedia is used as a medium of teaching, both in class and in their own.
In the world of business, multimedia is used as a media company profile, product profile, even as the media information kiosks and training in e-learning system.
Multimedia technology development has provided a lot of impact to the industry, namely:
  1. Computer industry.
  2. Telecommunications industry (telecommunication)
  3. Broadcasting industry (broadcasting)
  4. Multimedia components
  5. General characteristics of Multimedia Computer System
  6. This feature will distinguish between video and television which also contains a combination of text, sound, animation, music and video clips
General characteristics of Multimedia Computer System :
ü  Have the ability to change from analog information such as voice, music and video to digital form and vice versa.
ü  The interactive user can communicate even if not directly. with multimedia data
Four Important Characteristics Multimedia Products
    1. Computers, for coordination of what is seen and heard by the user
    2. Links, which connect with the information
    3. Navigational tools, which allows the user to explore the information displayed
    4. Way, to share, process, and communicate information and ideas of this
  1. Excellence multimedia:
  2. 1. Attract attention because the human mind has limited resources
  3. 2. Alternative media in the delivery of the message be text, voice, image, video, and animation
  4. 3. Improve the quality of information
  5. 4. Interactive
  6. • The weakness multimedia:
  7. 1. Design a bad cause confusion and boredom is not a message get in well
  8. 2. Obstacles for people with limited ability / disability / disable
  9. 3. Claims against the specification of adequate computer