Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Pancasila formulations

Pancasila as the state of the Republic of Indonesia has been widely accepted and has to be final. This was re-affirmed in MPR Decree No. XVIII/MPR/1998 on the revocation of the People's Consultative Assembly Of the Republic of Indonesia No.. Living the II/MPR/1978 on Guidelines and Pancasila (Ekaprasetya Pancakarsa) and Decision on Confirmation of Pancasila as the State Legislative Act No. jo. I/MPR/2003 on review of Against Material and Legal Status Provisional People's Consultative Assembly Decree and the Decree of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1960 to the Year 2002. Additionally Pancasila as the state is the result of an agreement with the Founding were then often referred to as an "Agreement Sublime" Indonesia.
But behind it there is a long history of formulating principles of Pancasila Indonesia nationality grammatical way. History is so sensitive, and any-one can threaten the integrity of the Indonesian state. This is because so many polemics and controversy both acute and prolonged the first proposer to whom the originator of the term ideology. This article wherever possible to avoid polemics and controversy. Therefore, this article is more of a "comparison" (not "match") between one another formula contained in different documents. Placement of an earlier formulation does not reduce the notch over the final formulation.
Chronicles the history of at least some formulations Pancasila has or ever appeared. The formulation of Pancasila with one another formulation was different but some are the same. In successive formulation will be presented from Muh Yamin, Sukarno, the Jakarta Charter, BPUPKI Results, Results PPKI, RIS Constitution, the Constitution Meanwhile, 1945 (Presidential Decree July 5, 1959), Different version, and popular versions developed in the community.Table of contents

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