Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Indonesian Traditional Musical Instruments,

Who ever knows for sure how many traditional musical instrument of Indonesia. What an intellectual property Indonesian culture is priceless. But on the other hand there are many who do not know have never even heard of traditional musical instruments are played, amid the rush of the modern music industry is a traditional musical instrument is increasingly marginalized.

Angklung from West Java

See also: KlungBot, Music Robot Artificial elementary and junior high school children who are adept at playing angklung. And as previously claimed by Malaysia: Finally Admits By Angklung Indonesia in UNESCO, Malaysia Once Again claim.


Kulintang of North Sulawesi


Tambourine from Java

Rebana dari Jawa

Sasando of NTT

Traditional musical instrument which is a traditional Indonesian musical instrument has many varieties from various regions in Indonesia, but many of the traditional musical instrument of Indonesia 'stolen' by other countries for the benefit of the addition of the culture and art of music itself by patenting copyright arts and culture of Indonesia.

And even more worrying is when the traditional instrument is already forgotten, we suddenly startled when another country freely claim that the traditional instrument was theirs. Remember the Angklung. Although later Angklung is listed as Masterpieces of Oral Heritage and Human Nonbendawi Indonesia from UNESCO in November 2010. But there are many more of our traditional musical instrument which threatened 'stolen' like Bonang, Calempong, Xylophone, Kenong, Saron, etc. by other countries, even without shame they have to register as on a website.

Recognize and Patented before di'curi 'people

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