Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012


Dance Banjar divided into two, namely the art of dance that developed in the palace (palace), and the art of dance developed by the people. Dance palace marked with the name "Baksa" comes from the Javanese (beksan) that indicates smoothness of motion in local dance. Dances have been around hundreds of years ago, since the time of hindu, but the movement and clothing has adapted to the circumstances of today. For example, certain movements are considered incompatible with Islamic manners were little changed. Banjar area of dance known as:

     Dance Flower Baksa, the welcome visitor.
     Baksa Dance Arrow
     Dance Baksa Dadap
     Candle Dance Baksa
     Dance Baksa shield
     Dance Radap Rahayu
     Horse Dance braid
     Dance Japin / Jepen
     Dance Kuala Tirik
     dance Gandut
     dance Tirik
     dance Babujugan
     Dance Jepen Lenggang Banua
     Dance Japin Hadrah
     Fan Dance Kambang
     dance Balatik
     Dance Parigal Amban
     Dance shields Cakrawati
     Alahai Sweetheart Dance

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