Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Traditional Arts

Traditional art is art elements that are part of living in a nation / tribe / clan / particular nation. Traditional is the action and behavior that came naturally because of the need of a previous ancestor. Tradition is part of traditional but can be destroyed by ketidamauan people to follow the tradition of terse

Banjar traditional art
Banjar traditional art is art elements that are part of life in Banjar tribe. Traditional is the action and behavior that came naturally because of the need of a previous ancestor. Tradition is part of traditional but can be destroyed by ketidamauan people to follow the tradition.
Cultures that developed in Banjarmasin very much to do with rivers, swamps and lakes, as well as the mountains. Plants and animals that inhabit this area are very much used to fulfill their lives. Necessities of life that inhabit this region by utilizing the natural environment with the results of cultural objects are customizable. almost all their lives completely relegius. In addition, people also agrarian, merchants with the technology which is still largely traditional.
Kinship ties began to loose compared to the past, more social life orientation leads to intellectual and religious. Religious emotions are still clearly visible in the lives of all ethnic groups in South Kalimantan.
Urang Banjar develop cultural systems, social systems, and material culture associated with relegi, through the process of adaptation, acculturation and assimilation. So it seems the assimilation in cultural aspects. Despite the views or Islamic influence is dominant in the cultural life of Banjar, almost identical with Islam, particularly with a view associated with the deity (monotheism), although in everyday life there are still elements of native culture, Hinduism and Buddhism.
Sculpture and architecture appear once Banjar traditional cultural assimilation, as well as household appliances, transport, dance, singing and so on.
Banjar society has known various types and forms of art, both Classical Art, Folk Art, Religious Art and Art belongs to the people of Banjar
Banjar tribe to develop the arts and culture that is quite complete, although its development is not maximized, covering various branches of art.

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