Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012


Reacting to sound slow or bisikan.o Glad to play "peekaboo" o Getting to know family members, fear of people who have not dikenal.Umur 12-18 bulano berpegangan.o Bending Stand alone without picking up toys and then stand kembali.o Walking backwards 5 langkah.o Calling father with the word "papa", calling the mother with the word "mama". o Stacking two cubes in kotak.o kubus.o Enter yor what he wants without crying / whining, children can make a sound that menyenano Shows jealousy / bersaing.Umur 18-24 bulano Stand alone without holding 30 detik.o walk without stumbling huyung.o Clapping, waving lambai.o Stacking 4 pieces kubus.o Picking up small objects with thumb and finger telunjuk.o ball rolling Calling towards sasaran.o 3-6 words that have arti.o Help / mimic homework tangga.o Holding the cup itself, learning to eat - drink sendiri.Umur 24-36 bulano sendiri.o road up the stairs to play and kick a small ball. o Doodling pencil on kertas.o Talk well, using 2 kata.o to appoint one or more parts of his body when diminta.o View images and may be called the names of two objects or lebih.o Help collect toys themselves or help raise Eating rice dishes if diminta.o own without much tumpah.o Removing clothes sendiri.Umur 36-48 bulano Stand 1 foot 2 seconds o jump both feet diangkato Pedal bicycle wheels Drawing lines tiga.o luruso Piled 8 pieces kubus.o Know 2 - 4 warna.o The name, age, tempat.o Understand the meaning of the word above, below, in depan.o Listen to the story.
o Washing and drying hands sendirio Play with a friend, follow the rules permainano sendiri.o Wearing shoes Wearing long pants, shirts, bajuUmur 48-60 bulano Stand 1 foot 6 detik.o Jumping 1 kaki.o Menari.o Draw a cross. o Drawing lingkaran.o Drawing people with 3 parts tubuh.o buttoning clothing or clothing boneka.o The name dibantuo Glad complete without mention of words baru.o Glad ask about sesuatuo Answering a question with the words that He spoke easily dimengertio benar.o Can compare / differentiate something of the size and bentuknyao Calling numbers, counting jario Calling names Hario Dressed without dibantu.o Brushing teeth without dibantu.o Reacts calm and no fuss when left ibu.Umur 60-72 bulano Walking lurus.o Stand with 1 leg for 11 detik.o Drawing with 6 parts, drawing the small ball lengkapo Capturing both in terms empat.o tangano Drawing Understand the meaning of the opponent katao Understand conversations using 7 words or lebiho Answering questions about what things are made of and kegunaannya.o Know the numbers, can count the number of 5-10o Know the color-warnio Reveals simpatio permainano Dressed follow rules without assistance7. Some Disorders Growing-Flowers Frequently Found.
1.Gangguan bahasa.Kemampuan speech and language is an indicator of the whole development of the child. Because
language skills are sensitive to delay or damage to sistemlainnya, because involving cognitive, motor, psychological, emotional and lingkungansekitar children. Lack of stimulation will cause impaired speech and language disorders can even menetap.2.Cerebral palsy.Merupakan a disorder of movement and posture that is not progressive, yangdisebabkan because of a damage / disruption of motor cells in the center of a growing susunansaraf / pertumbuhannya.3.Sindrom unfinished Down.Anak with Down syndrome are individuals who can be known from fenotipnya danmempunyai limited intelligence, which occur due to excessive number of chromosomes 21yang. Progresses more slowly than normal children. Several factors, such as congenital heart defects, severe hypotonia, ataulingkungan other biological problems can cause delays in motor development danketerampilan to help themselves sendiri.4.Perawakan Pendek.Short stature or short stature is a terminology regarding height under the third percentile or - 2 SD on a growth curve in effect at the population. The cause can be due to normal varisasi, nutritional disorders, chromosomal abnormalities, systemic disease or a disorder endokrin.5.Gangguan Autisme.Merupakan pervasive developmental disorder in children whose symptoms appear sebelumanak 3 years old. Pervasive means sehinggagangguan covers all aspects of the development is very broad and heavy, which affects child development mendalam.Gangguan found in autism include interaksisosial field, communications and perilaku.6.Retardasi Mental.Merupakan a condition characterized by low intelligence (IQ < 70) yangmenyebabkan inability of the individual to learn and adapt to the capabilities tuntutanmasyarakat considered normal.
7.Gangguan Concentration Attention and Hyperactivity (GPPH) is a disorder in which children have difficulty concentrating perhatianyang often accompanied by hyperactivity.

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