Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

The process of formulation of Pancasila as the State of RI

At the end of World War II, Japan began much defeat everywhere from Allied. Many areas are already occupied Japan have fallen into Allied hands. Japan was no longer able to compensate troops Allied attack. To that end, Japan promised independence to the Indonesian people not to fight and willing to help him fight the Allies.

Investigation Agency Formation Efforts Preparation of Indonesian Independence

Japan assured of Indonesia concerning the promised independence by forming Investigation Agency Efforts Preparation of Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI). The agency in Japanese is called Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai. General Kumakichi Harada, commander of Japanese forces on Java on March 1, 1945 announced the formation of BPUPKI. On 28 April 1945 announced the appointment of members BPUPKI. Inauguration ceremony held at the House Cuo in Pejambon Sangi In Jakarta (now the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Building). Chairman appointed BPUPKI Japan is dr. Rajiman Wedyodiningrat, his deputy is Icibangase (Japan), and the secretary is RP Soeroso. The number of members BPUPKI are 63 people representing almost the entire territory of Indonesia plus 7 people without a voice.

                                                  Atmosphere Session BPUPKI

First BPUPKI trial period (29 May-1 June 1945)
Once formed BPUPKI soon hold hearings. BPUPKI first trial period began on May 29, 1945 until June 1, 1945. During the trial, the state BPUPKI discusses basic formulas for Indonesia's independence. At the hearing expressed varying opinions about the state to be used independent Indonesia. The opinion was delivered by Mr.. Mohammad Yamin, Mr. Supomo, and Ir. Sukarno.
Mr. Mohammad Yamin
Mr. Mohammad Yamin expressed his thoughts on the state of independent Indonesia BPUPKI before the hearing on May 29, 1945. The thinking is entitled "Basic Principles and State Nationality RepublicIndonesia ". Mr. Mohammad Yamin suggested Indonesia foundation independent country that essentially as follows:

fairy nationality;
fairy deity;
popular fairy;

Mr. Supomo
Mr. Supomo thoughts turn argued before the court BPUPKI on May 31, 1945. The idea seems to be an explanation of the problems related to the basic state of independent Indonesia. State ought to be set based on the integrality state the following:

physical and spiritual balance;
social justice.

Ir. Sukarno
On June 1, 1945 Ir. Sukarno had the opportunity to express the state of independent Indonesia. The idea seems to consist of the following five principles:

Indonesian nationality;
internationalism or humanity;
consensus or democracy;
social welfare;
Belief in God Almighty.

The five principles of Pancasila was given the name by my friends are linguists. Henceforth, June 1, we commemorated as the day of Term Birth of Pancasila.

Second trial period (10-16 July 1945)
BPUPKI first trial period is over, but the basic formula for Indonesia's independence has not been established. In fact, BPUPKI will recess (break) a full month. For that, BPUPKI form the basis of the drafting committee of nine members of the so-called Committee of Nine. Nine committee task was to accommodate the aspirations of the state formation of independent Indonesia. Nine committee members consisting of Ir. Sukarno (chairman), Abdulkahar Muzakir, Drs. Moh. Hatta, K.H. Wachid Abdul Hashim, Mr. Moh. Yamin, H. Agus Salim, Ahmad Subarjo, Abikusno Cokrosuryo, and A. A. Maramis. Committee of Nine to work smart so that on June 22, 1945 succeeded in formulating the state for Indonesia's independence. The formula was by Mr. Moh. Yamin was named Charter Jakarta or Jakarta Charter.
On 10 until July 16, 1945, held a second hearing BPUPKI. During this trial, BPUPKI discuss the draft constitution. To that end, the Committee established designer Constitution chaired by Ir. Sukarno. The committee also formed a small group of seven people specially formulated draft constitution. The small group is chaired by Mr. Supomo with members Wongsonegoro, Ahmad Subarjo, Singgih, H. Agus Salim, and Sukiman. His work was later refined by the Committee Smoothing linguistic language consisting Jayadiningrat Hussein, H. Agus Salim, and Mr. Supomo. Ir. Sukarno Committee work report designer Act BPUPKI hearing date on July 14, 1945. In the report mentioned three main points, namely Indonesia's independence declaration, the opening of the constitution, and the constitution (torso). On June 15 and July 16, 1945 held a hearing to formulate the Constitution based on the work of the Committee designer Constitution. On July 17, 1945 reported the work of drafting the constitution. Reports received plenary BPUPKI

The establishment of the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence

On August 7, 1945 BPUPKI Japan disbanded. To follow up the work of BPUPKI, Japan established the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI). The agency in Japanese is called Dokuritsu Junbi Iinkai. PPKI consists of 21 people representing all levels of Indonesian society. They consist of 12 representatives from Java, Sumatra representative of 3 people, 2 representatives from Sulawesi, and a representative of the Lesser Sundas, the Moluccas, and the Chinese population. PPKI Chairman on August 18, 1945, adding six more PPKI so that all members of the 27 people PPKI.
PPKI led by Ir. Sukarno, deputy Drs. Moh. Hatta, and counselors Ahmad Subarjo. The members are Mr. Supomo, dr. Rajiman Wedyodiningrat, R.P. Suroso, Sutardjo, K.H. Wachid Abdul Hashim, Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, Oto Iskandardinata, Suryohamijoyo, Abdul Kadir, Puruboyo, Tjwan Bing Yap, Latuharhary, Dr. Amir, Abdul Abbas, Teuku Moh. Hasan, Hamdani, Sam Ratulangi, Andy Prince, I Gusti Ktut Pudja, Wiranatakusumah, Ki Hajar Dewantara, Kasman Singodimejo, Sayuti Melik, and Iwa Kusumasumantri.

The process of establishment of the State and the Constitution of the State
On August 18, 1945, PPKI held its first session. In this trial PPKI discuss the constitution of Indonesia, the President and Vice President of Indonesia, as well as agencies that help the task of the President of Indonesia. PPKI discuss the state constitution by using a script Indonesia Jakarta Charter, which was ratified BPUPKI. However, before the trial began, Bung Hatta and several Muslim leaders held a discussion of the problem itself to find solutions sentence "... with the obligation to carry out Islamic adherents "in the phrase" the Deity with the obligation to carry out Islamic adherents ". Islamic leaders are discussing is Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, Kasman Singodimejo, KH Wachid Abdul Hashim, and Teuku Moh. Hassan. They need to discuss it as a message from people of other faiths and especially figures from eastern Indonesia who objected to the sentence. They threatened to set up their own state if the word is not changed. In a time not too long, reached an agreement to eliminate the phrase "... with the obligation to carry out Islamic adherents ". This is done to keep the unity of the nation of Indonesia. We should appreciate the value of fighting the leaders agreed to eliminate the phrase ".... with the obligation to carry out Islamic adherents. "leaders PPKI minded and have a high sense of nationalism. They also put the interests of the nation above personal interests and groups. The purpose of the discussion held at the forum court itself is not the problem so quickly done. With the approval of the change is then immediately opened the first trial PPKI.

Differences and Agreement which comes in a session PPKI
In the first trial the draft constitution PPKI BPUPKI work discussed again. In the discussion of proposed changes to the group posed Hatta. They proposed two changes.
First, with regard to the first principle which originally read "Godhead with the obligation to carry out Islamic adherents" was changed to "Belief in God Almighty". Second, Chapter II, Article 6 of the original Constitution states that "The President shall be Indonesian Muslims" was changed to "The President shall be a native Indonesian". All proposals received trial participants. It shows they are very concerned about the unity and integrity of the nation. Received the draft basic law BPUPKI on July 17, 1945 after PPKI passed as perfected by the Constitution of the State of Indonesia. Constitution that became known as the 1945 Constitution. The existence of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia announced in the news Year-2 No.. 7 Year 1946 on pages 45-48.
Systematics of the 1945 Constitution was made up as follows.

Opening (preamble) of the 1945 Constitution consists of four paragraphs. At Alenia to-4 UUD 1945 listed Pancasila as the state, which reads as follows.


Belief in God Almighty.
Just and civilized humanity.
Unity of Indonesia.
Democracy guided by the inner wisdom of deliberation / representation.
Social justice for all Indonesian people.

The torso of the 1945 consists of 16 chapters, 37 articles, 4 of article transitional rules, and the second paragraph extra rules
Explanation of the 1945 consists of an overview and explanation chapter by chapter.

The composition and formulation of Pancasila contained in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution constitute the entire agreement of the Indonesian nation. Therefore, from that moment the Indonesian nation was determined to make the Pancasila as the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia.

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