Kamis, 29 November 2012

Wise words

Every moment in your life is like a picture that has not been seen, and the image that will never be seen again. So, enjoy your life and make every moment to be beautiful.

Do not spoil what you have right now to pursue something that you might not have. Because, what you have today could be the one of the many things that you dream about most.

If you pray, do not ask for an easier life, but to ask God to make you strong personal.

Life is like a bicycle mengendaradi. To maintain balance, the bike must go on. Similarly life.

Celebrate every day of your life because tomorrow will come true very quickly.

Education is not preparation for life because real education is life itself.

Nothing is softer than strength, and there is nothing stronger than gentleness.

The fool always thought that god is on his side. Instead, the wise man always trying to get closer to god.

A smile is the little things that can make life easier.

Living through the street without a hitch so rarely leads to success.

Kesenanagan most in life is doing things, where others think that we are not able to do so.

"The reason why a person can not ever achieve its goals is because he does not define it, not study it, and never seriously believes that his goals can be achieved" (Dr. Denis Waitley, motivational expert and author of books self-help)

"I have three treasures. Keep and guard: deep love, simplicity, ketidakberanian win the world. With deep love, someone will be brave. With simplicity, someone will be generous. With ketidakberanian win the world, someone is going to be a world leader "(Lao-tzu, Chinese philosopher)

"You have to do something you thought you could not do" (Eleanor Roosevelt, former U.S. First Lady)

"Faith is a knowledge within the heart, far beyond the reach of proof" (Kahlil Gibran, poet)

"People who are too busy very rarely change their opinions" (Nitezche Friedrich (1844-1900), German philosopher)

"A taste of happy and unhappy not come from what you have, nor derived from who you are, or what you do. Happy and unhappy comes from your mind "Dale Carnegie (1888-1955), U.S. writer-Motivation Expert

"Pain in the struggle was only temporary. It may be that you feel in a minute, an hour, a day, or a year. But if you give up, the pain will be felt forever "
(Lance Armstrong, former U.S. Cycling Athlete)

"A job that most can never be completed is a job that never ever start" (JRR Tolkien, author of novel The Lord of the Rings)

Few wealthy people who own property. Most of the treasures that have them-Robert G. Ingersoll

Life is fraught with danger, but that's where its appeal lies-Edgar Mowrer Alnsel

Poorest people I know are people who do not have anything except money. John D.Rockefeller

Reality is always more conservative than ideology - Raymond Aron

Many failures in life because people do not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. - Thomas Alva Edison

Be yourself. Who else could do it better than yourself? - Frank Giblin, Ii

Our greatest pride is not never fail, but bounced back every time we fall. - Confucius

Your chances of success in any condition can always be measured by how much your confidence in yourself. - Robert Collier

Wise words from mario firm

Time, change all things, except us. We may be aging berjalanannya time, but not necessarily membijak. We are the one who must change ourselves. (Mario)

Do not just avoid the impossible. By trying something that is not possible, you will be able to achieve the best of what you might accomplish. (Mario)

We respect the poor more than the rich who brave the cowards. Because actually have clear differences in the quality of the future they are going to achieve. (Mario)

All the time is a great time to do something good. Do not be a parent who is doing something that should be done when young. (Mario)

If we make money, we will be forced to seek the best service. But if we focus on good service, then we are the ones who will look for the money. (Mario)

One of the cruelest pengkerdilan in life is to let a brilliant mind being a slave to a lazy body, which precede rest before fatigue. (Mario)

If we just do what we know, when we will get new knowledge? Doing what we do not know is the door to knowledge. (Mario)

If we do not find a job that suits our talents, whatever bakatilah our present work. We will look brilliant as talented. (Mario)

Someone who refused to renew the ways it works is no longer produced, enacted as people continue to squeeze the straw to get the milk. (Mario)

Never tear down a fence without knowing why it was established. Never ignore the guidance of virtue without knowing the evils that then we can. (Mario)

The greatest power that is able to beat stress is the ability to choose the right thoughts. we would be more peaceful if we think is the way out the problem. (Mario)

Only the fear that can be courageous, because courage is doing something that is feared. So, if feeling afraid, we'll have a chance to be brave. (Mario)

Elderly people are opportunity-oriented young people who never age: but the youth-oriented security, has been aging since young. (Mario)

The accuracy of attitude is the basis of all accuracy. There is no barrier of success if our attitude is right, and no one can help if our attitude is wrong. (Mario)

We're not going to make a new personal if we insist on maintaining our old ways. We will be called new, only when our new ways. (Mario)

Do not resist change just because we are afraid of losing that has been owned, since we are undervaluing him that we can achieve through the change. (Mario)

Leave a pleasure that hinder the achievement of the brilliance of life is desirable. And be careful, because some of the fun is how happy to failure. (Mario)

People who stop learning will be the owner of the past. People are still learning, will become the owner of the future. (Mario)

We only close to those we love. And often we do not avoid people we do not like, but from him that we would know the mind of the new angle. (Mario)

Our job is not to succeed. Our job is to try, because in trying that we find and learn to build a chance to succeed. (Mario)

No prices over time, but time is precious. Choose a time does not make us rich, but to use it well is the source of all wealth. (Mario)

If we're right, do not be too bold and when we're afraid, do not be too scared. Because balance is a determinant of the accuracy of the attitude of our success journey. (Mario)

Simple affection. However, not simple mencantikkan role in our lives. Let us mengikhlaskanlah ourselves to love our spouse fully. (Mario)

The purpose of life is a provision that underlies all plans and our work, and the guards directions. (Mario)

People who live only for themselves? Much easier to feel sad and useless. (Mario)

It is easier to continue as it is, while it is not easy living in hardship. So do not bother him a difficult change, even if it's for his own good. Let him put that easy now, because she does not mind the trouble. (Mario)

Inginkanlah easy, but you must not forget to become stronger. Not an easy gift that will ease your life, but the ability to make you fit for all the great gift - which is not easy to get it, which will make your life successful enforcement. (Mario)

Must come the end of the period in which people take advantage of saying and doing are not honest with us and to those we love. (Mario)

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