Kamis, 29 November 2012

How to Create a Table

The table is a basic part of the furniture. This usually consists of a flat top supported by one set of legs, pillars, or trestles. Above can be made of stone, metal, wood, or synthetic materials such as plastics. The table can be shared by any of a number of criteria, the most basic is whether the table is still a table or desk mechanics. A table top that still has not moved in a way to expand or reduce in size for storage. The peak on the chart can still be very considerable and may be supported by a single column or pedestal. The table has a boss or mechanical moving legs, folding, drop, or in some way can be reconfigured to save space or make them more flexible. Table drop leaf tables including mechanical, tilt table, or those with legs that fold or collapse if the mechanism is opened.
Table more often divided by other criteria such as the materials from which they are made, their purpose built, the form they take, and styles of any decoration added. Style is a very important part of a table. The table view can vary as a result of many factors. This includes changing style preferences, technological advances that make different materials available for table or method of construction, and form a new table is the result of recent human activities or needs.
Tables purchased in this country is the most common mass-produced from wood and can be made with minimal Cabinetmaking skills. American made tables can be created from the original hardwood such as maple, oak, or alder, or softwood like pine. Table America may be produced meaning unfinished with no stain or sealer or can be purchased ready for use in standard or custom finishes. Some of the table takes place in the house: it is considered custom or tailor-made pieces of furniture that have to be built by a cabinet maker.History
Until the sixteenth century, when furniture decorative and distinctive style are very important, the table is less common than a chair or chest (which is held as a clothes dresser drawer is not these days). However, there is a table in the ancient world. Different cultures makes them different materials. Egyptian tables of wood or stone and similar poles. Assyrian people say make them out of metal. Pompeii and Herculaneum populaces have a table made with marble supporting members.
Cathedrals in the Middle Ages used the communion table stands on a rock or on a stone base. Castles often included large, rectangular board table with ruler castle in the center and the less important or are at right angles to her. Table medieval survive more common include simple wooden table supported by members of the plain side. Table early seventeenth century America in general of the type trestle, with a board top and vertical side. Some can be dismantled if more space is needed, many who have recently moved to the wall to make room when the table is not in use.
The decor is very important to the wealthy around the sixteenth century as well. Style furniture was ornate carving and includes twists made on foot-pedal lathe. Until the middle of the seventeenth century, most of the furniture was built by a joiner who makes furniture as much as they make it home, with pegs, mortise and tenon construction, and a member of the massive slab to support peak. At the end of the seventeenth and eighteenth cabinets began making fine furniture, creating a veneer statues, carved, and expert joins including the use dovetailing interlocked for strength.
In the early nineteenth century machines allow manufacturers to provide attractive furniture is much cheaper. Wood cut by water, steam, or electric saws, machine sanded, carved and decorated machines, turning lathe machines, and so on. In 1890, but all Americans are very poor can afford to buy a table and chairs cheap. In the early twentieth century, changing table again, this time for a new, conventional materials used in construction such as laminate, plastic, and chipboard, create tables really affordable for all. As new activities enjoyed and embraced, the table also changes shape. Table form created in the last 200 years include card tables, blackjack tables, tea tables, dressers, desks changing diapers, and a computer desk.Raw Materials
Raw materials varies greatly according to the type of production the table below. Unfinished pine table made in this country, including the number of pine boards that are called one-by-fours or one-by-sixes. (This is a board that was once actually 1 in [2.5 cm] thick with a 4 in [10.1 cm] wide or 6 in [15 cm] wide but now cut slightly smaller than the size of the current one.) Other Materials including waterproof glue formulated from polyvinyl acetate. Hardware, including screws, varies according to the price point but often a piece of steel. Manufacturers table most Americans to be careful to get a certified forest, which means the manufacturer can prove that the trees are harvested legally from controlled forests grown specifically for furniture. In addition, furniture-grade wood is very important in the construction of the table that has not been completed, in which grain should not be covered with paint. Furniture grade wood almost knot-free or clear, as there are small knots companies must ensure that they can use in a hidden area of ​​the wood parts such as the back or in the drawer. Drawer bottom or sides of plywood might be a, engineered wood (wood chips pressed molded into administrative stuff), or even Masonite.Design
The decor and configuration tables are quite important in the unfinished furniture industry. Additive or garnish scratch can be found on the table apron (the board that runs in front of the desk running from foot to foot and can hold the front of the drawer), or on its own feet. Painted decoration can be seen at any place at the table. Shape or form on a table, table legs, or aprons to determine styles and can be made with a special machine
While high-end manufacturer of ready to use furniture spend a lot of time and money on the design of their furniture, unfinished furniture typically provide basic form to consumers. The producers table unfinished definitely concerned about selling an attractive table, but it is not possible from the most stylish or innovative table displayed on the furniture market is important. The biggest furniture company has design director on staff whose job it is to find a new design for their market and work with the production manager to make it economical style. These companies are more haunted mall, studying shelter and fashion magazines, and do some assessment of audience taste and style preferences.
However, smaller companies, such as those that produce medium to low priced products, indicating that the items have not been completed can spend less money on developing the style and decor, are more likely to offer a basic table and form to consumers. Some smaller companies may assign the task of developing new products and styles for production managers. This manager works with staff designers to develop tables that can be produced using the equipment used in the home. Interestingly, some prefer to design a table for which parts can be exchanged easily, produce a variety of products with minimal redesign. For example, a console table may be the same front and rear aprons and drawer as a coffee table but has a narrow peak, sides, and legs longer. A Queen Anne-style coffee table may have cabriole (curved) while the Shaker style coffee table legs may be identical except the legs are square and slightly tapered.
Designer or production director generally oversees their current style, assessing what lead the market and what trends infiltration target market. In general, when a new style or shape is recommended for production, team directors, including director of sales and marketing, director of manufacturing, and in-house designers assess the feasibility of the new design. If the design is approved, the director of manufacturing and designers working with operators using computer-based design and drafting systems such as AutoCAD. The operator is working with a design on the computer, and then input that information into the computer to produce machine-based computers. All staff members work together to devise the best way to get through the system forms a new table, be especially vigilant that the cost of the new table will not exceed the market price point intended and that no new machinery or manufacturing expertise will be required to produce new products.
New table should be created in the prototype in order to evaluate how the products will be through the established system. In addition, staff must physically inspect the proposed new tables for aesthetics and durability. The prototype was made using a template created by the engine. Any changes made prototypes, AutoCAD operator to change computer settings for the template, and the piece is ready for production after approval.ManufacturingProcess
1. Pine boards come to the factory quite rough but cut to a predetermined length and then cut to a short length using power saw. Wood had to stay in a room with carefully controlled temperature and humidity or wood can swell (too much moisture) or shrinking (very dry) and the piece will have a crack when finished. Temperature should be kept in the range of 50-85 ° F (10-29 ° C).2. Workers gathering and dissemination pine length waterproof wood glue to the edges of long boards where they joined another board to make the table. Boards are then clamped together with furniture clamps to ensure a tight bond and solid tops. Several dozen peaks can be done at one time and had to sit for at least an hour.3. Raw table tops are then sent to a wide belt-driven sanders that sand board down to take away the extreme roughness and flaky.4. Table that most have some kind of apron or vertical board right under the table. Aprons should be cut next. A computer numerically controlled (CNC) router to cut some apron in accordance with the specifications of the computer. Router is perfect for cutting sheet goods such as wood. Forms must be cut or transferred is defined by drawing programs such as AutoCAD. The information was transferred to the program CAD / CAM which enables the user to specify the path of the router tool. When the tool has been defined, the computer software enables a tap file to be created, which actually run the tool on wood or board, cut into desired shapes. Router is able to create high-quality routing and engraving effect with uniform consistency and with very little wasted wood. The apron is cut put in the cart and head to the assembly area.5. The highlight of the board, now glued and sanded, sent to the CNC router and cut into desired shape and also described above.6. Foot was formed in profiler. Before the foot-shaped aluminum template to be cut on the CNC router. Once the template is cut, the metal template stored in the profiler, and a guide bearing following template to form the legs of the table.7. Special style legs with feet like a foot pad inserted into the chucker that acts like a giant pencil sharpener, forming a stylized legs. Table tops and legs are put into carts and transported to the assembly area as well.8. If the table is to accept the drawer, then the front, side, and bottom drawer is cut on the CNC router. The front isMaking medium round table.
The manufacturing of a medium-sized round table.Making medium round table.pine, but the sides and the bottom of the drawer may be low grade pine, plywood, or engineered wood. To the front of the drawer, CNC router cut the grooves for the bottom and the side to be inset into the back of the drawer front. Then inverted faces, grooves receiving layer waterproof glue, and the bottom and sides of the track and put in can be nailed together using automatic nailer for extra stability. The table is now ready for assembly.9. Many unfinished furniture manufacturers do not ship their tables together as wholesale shipping prices increase costs significantly. Those who do not intend to continue to assemble their products last sanding before packaging. Companies that do assemble their products employ workers who inspect the work order and drag the appropriate part of the trash, and then prepared for their assembly. Table assembly is done by hand. This is the preferred method in many stores as the manufacturer can generate multiple tables with parts that are very similar, making it difficult for a machine to distinguish which part is used on a number of specific products. Jig or template mark where the screws should go. They put on the table tops so the table can be screwed in the right place.10. Table given final sanding using a hand sander. Although this is a fairly careful sanding was not considered a fine or finish sanding sanding as companies assume that consumers will spend time sanding the surface to cover the grain, removing hand oils that prevent it from taking a good stain, and reduces plant every mark.
Quality Control
Quality control is monitored at every step of production. The storage room for raw materials remained between 50-85 ° F (10-29 ° C) and moderate humidity. Water content, which is known as an MC in the trade, is the weight of water contained in the wood oven dry weight compared to wood. This moisture content should not exceed 25%, and ideally should stay around 12%. Most manufacturers try to find one and keep the temperature and humidity constant so that the wood comes to equilibrium moisture content. Temperature and humidity should be moderate to ensure that the product does not bend, crack, or warp after manufacture. Excessive moisture can cause loosening and weakening joints and even the failure of the joint. In fact, most of the problems associated with the manufacture of wood furniture that is associated with changes in dimension or movement of the wood caused by humidity variations.
Everyone who helped with the production continues to perform visual inspection of the timber. Wood checked cracks, knots, or unsightly discoloration that can weaken or structural pieces when the board first elected to the peak in the gluing process. Hand gluing and clamping of the assembly drawer and hands across the table to help make sure the table, strong sturdy. Jig carefully laid out on the table and aprons to screw to be placed in the correct position, further ensuring stability. Even after the peak glued and sanded, they are checked for flaws in the wood. Hand fabricators and Sanders hands coming at the end of the process giving the table a visual inspection as well. Finally, the packaging, the entire table turned, and then sent to the warehouse for storage.By products / Waste
Wood waste generated from the routing and profiles are collected and sent in amounts to "pork" chops plant waste into good chip. Various companies, including remanufactured furniture factory, a manufacturer of paper products and the manufacturers who make particle board, chip board, and so can arrange to pick up this little chip processed.Future
Currently, the availability of North American forests for the production of unfinished table is not a problem. Increasingly there is interest from consumers that the pine used in the table are certified, which means it has been lawfully and carefully harvested and not an alien rain forest products. Labor costs for the production of the fruit is not too high and the abandonment of furniture production in this country is not likely in the near future. However, the style, cheap, table finished wood imported from parawood proved to be a challenge for some manufacturers. As Americans become more concerned about the use of foreign woods may be that this table, the table especially computers, will not be sold. However, the price point they may not be so competitive that certified wood can be considered insignificant.

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