Kamis, 29 November 2012


The possibility of finding alien life (aliens) are increasingly hopeful after revelations one in two stars in the universe has a number of Earth-like planets orbiting around it.

The news came from NASA scientist who was researching the result of Kepler telescope for the first time in two years in space. They have found evidence of more than 1,200 planets in orbit around distant stars.

The preliminary findings indicate, there are three planets known outside our solar system-54 of them the size of Earth in the habitable zone of their sun.

Two potentially habitable planets have previously been found outside Earth's solar system, so Kepler scientists are eager to find more planets.

Speaking at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Kepler chief scientist William Borucki said, "I am very pleased to see so many going to the planet and that means there are a lot of rich ocean of planets to explore."

  "For every two stars we see a planet will be."

The following steps need to do is send a new telescope to see the atmosphere of the planets, a distance of between 30 and 100 light-years away, is worthy of life.

As reported by the Telegraph, this is a major step towards proving that a confirmed planet could have supported life fundamentally decent, such as composition, temperature and distance from its star.

Telescope to detect aspects more livable, such as atmospheric conditions, the presence of water and carbon are not yet developed. (Erabaru / Telegraph / sua)

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