All that can be d explain that kmu know the history and the history of the JewsThis conflict is a protracted conflict that has lasted more than 60 years diving.
the eye of the beginning of the causes of conflict, the bottom line is
seizing the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Israel is a country founded for Jews.The Jews are a people who do not own land and water dispersed throughout the world d.Because the case Holocoust that Jews experienced in Nazi Germany, d decided to provide a place for Jews to live.
After going through a lengthy process finally in 1948, the Jews proclaimed the State of Israel. With
this independence, the ideals of the Jewish people are scattered in
various parts of the world to establish their own state, is reached. By UK they offered to pick the Argentina, Uganda, or the Palestinians to live in, but Mark would prefer the Palestinians. Since the beginning of Israel had not accepted his presence in Palestine, even in areas where they are located. Feeling has a historical attachment to Palestine, they finally came to Palestine berbondong2.
Why Palestine? actual
conflict is associated dg religious element, the Jews, are eager to
take atao occupy the Mount Zion and the surrounding area (the area
Palestine, including Gaza, the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem) which is
sacred and d believed by them that the place was holy places of their
god .
Dg datangannya Jews to Palestine scr besar2an, dressing occurs expropriation of Palestinians by Jewish settlers. At this time, sporadic resistance of the Palestinian people began to spread.Based on the Sykes Picot agreement of 1915, secretly and unilaterally has put Palestine under British rule. With
the enactment of the mandate system of Palestine, Britain opened the
door wide for Jewish immigrants and these Palestinians provoke protests.
British action further gave its approval through the Balfour Declaration of 1917 that Jews have a place to stay in Palestine.In 1947 the British mandate over Palestine ended and the United Nations took control. UN Security Council Resolution. 181 (II) of 29 November 1947 divided Palestine into three parts. It received strong protests from the Palestinian population. They held a massive demonstration against the policies of the United Nations. Another case is done with the Jews. With joy they held a celebration of this great victory. Aid of some Arab countries in the form of weaponry flowing into Palestine.
What the Jews in Palestine not win without the support of Britain and America. Thanks
to these two major countries eventually be occupied Palestinian Jews
forced to go through the process though so long and hard. From 1918 to 1948, about 600,000 Jews allowed to occupy the Palestinian territories.In
1956, the Sinai Desert and the Gaza Strip controlled by Israel after
the Islamist movement in the Arab region Audah beaten and Abdul Qadir,
Muhammad Firgholi, and Joseph Thol'at directly involved in the war with
the Jews in Palestine was executed by the Egyptian regime. And in 1967, all of the Palestinian territories fell into the hands of Israel. The incident happened after the striking of the Islamic Movement and Sayyid Qutb hanged on the very fear of the Jews. In 1977, there was an attack against Lebanon and the Camp David agreement, sponsored by the late Anwar Sadat of Egypt.
Hamas formed as the organizational form of the Palestinian people who
want to release the territory of Israel by hard-line population (d
replies eye eye).So, in short, Israel attacked Palestine to expand its territory and get wilayah2 who d wants, including the Gaza Strip.dg spiritual reasons (take back the holy daerah2 MRK) they justify the means even to kill orang2 not guilty.
whereas, even Jerusalem is a holy city for three religions, namely Islam, Christianity and Jewish elites israel, the holy city d make part of the country. In fact, according to the UN International City is a city because it has some religious thdp interests.Today, when we wanted to visit Jerusalem, is very difficult because d tight guard by Israel who have Feeling.
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