Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

steps to make animated green grass

1. Open macromedia flash 8 program
Change the size of the stage to be 768 x 576 pixels.
Change the color to the color blue bacground # 0099FF
2. 4 layer is created with the name: green grass, poles, box name, the sun
3. Click on the green grass in the layer rectangle tool, to make the green grass by dragging to the stage as shown below.

4. Click on frame 1 in the layer: the pole and use the rectangle tool again to make the pole direction,
after the making of the poles for the administration and direction of the pole lines use line tool after it hit the F8 key and

give NMA tiang_mc
see the picture:

5. Now click on the layer frame 1: box name
Change the fill color to white and black strokenya then press F8 and name Kotaknama_mc and copy into 4 and adjust the image and name: jl. Graphics, jl.animasi, jl.film, jl.kartun.
see the picture:

6. the last step, click on frame 1 in the sun change color fill layer color to # FFFF00 and stroke none made ​​use rectangle tool
For producing solar cycle length for 8 boxes and sort like the picture and then press F8 and name sun_mc
see the picture:

7. Click 2 times on an object sun_mc and will look something like this

8. create one layer again and name it round
click on frame 1 layer: round and oval click tool to create a circle object right click> insert keyframe in frame 60 and click
right click create motion tween on frame 30.
see the picture:

9. click on frame 1 layer 1
right click> insert keyframe in frame 60
then click on frame 30, click on properties

10. that the sun is behind the move the bottom layer in the sun ....
to make the grass line tool for use as picture

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