Kamis, 29 November 2012

Process of Sea Salt

Process of Sea Salt
The human body can not function without salt. Not surprisingly, the salt has played an important role in human development and civilization.
Salt is a preservative for food first, which allows humans to be able to travel and trade away. Salt is also the first instrument of payment. The term "salary" or "salary" is derived from the Roman "salarium," as it was the soldiers paid for (in part) with saline (salt).
We lucked out because more than 70 percent of the earth's surface is water. Of 70% was 97 percent contains salt, while the remaining 3% fresh water.
Appropriate term for the process of making salt in question here is a collection / separation of salt from sea water.

For it must first collect sea water in a pool, pond, lake or reservoir (reservoir) Other special. This is so that the water that has been collected is not bothered by tide gauges.
Reservoir can be either man-made or natural creation, such as a pool, pond, reservoir or lake. But the soil pores would be better refined as well grounded to prevent sea water and mineral content that does not soak into the ground a lot.

Next, the stretch of sea water is dried by the sun's heat to color the water turned red. In a large-scale, cheaper to use solar evaporation to produce salt. Sure takes the hot weather, because in the rainy season process will be difficult. For small scale, can only use the stove and pot.
Next, drain the salt water. Some salt makers knew it was time to drain the salt water when the water turns red. The red color comes from algae that change color due to the higher salt concentrations.
Next to the pond draining salt water of crystallization or where salting. This is where the sodium chloride - salt - eventually crystallized in the bottom of the pool.
After the salt crystallizes on the bottom of the reservoir, salt and harvested / collected by means of scratching. Crystal salt is still to be processed in order to clean and can be used, packaged and then sold.

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