Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

 Tough hierarchy / Tight
Java community, and most of the rest of Indonesia, is essentially hierarchical. Hierarchical social stratification is evident from the separation line between the ruler (wong gedhe) with the common people (grassroots). Each one separately through a very strict hierarchical order. The mind and manners procedures expressed in such a way according to the origin of each class. Authorities can use the language of 'rude' to the common people. Instead, people have to express themselves in the language of the rulers 'refined'. In political life, the influence of such social stratification among others reflected in the way the authorities see themselves and their people.

Tendency Patronage
Patronage relationship pattern is one of the prominent political culture Indonesia.Pola this relationship is individualized. In political life, the growth of this kind of political culture seem as among political actors. They prefer to seek support from the top rather than digging of the promotion of the base.

The tendency Neo-patrimoniaalistik

One of the trends in political life in Indonesia is the trend is the emergence of a political culture of neo-patrimonisalistik; meaning that although it has attributes that are modern and rationalistic zeperti bureaucracy, the state still shows behavior and traditions of political culture patrimonial character.
The characteristics of modern bureaucracy:

The existence of a hierarchical structure that involves the delegation of authority from top to bottom in the organization
The existence of the positions or positions that each has duties and responsibilities expressly
The existence of rules, regulations, and standards organizations formalyang regulate the operation and behavior of its members
The existence of personnel who are technically qualified, are employed on the basis of a career, a promotion based on qualifications and performance.

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