Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

History Train

The train is a means of transport such as vehicles powered by motion, either walking alone or coupled with other vehicles, which will or is moving on rails. The train is a means of mass transportation that generally consists of a locomotive (vehicle dynamics with the run itself) and a series of trains or carriages (coupled with other vehicles). The wagon train set or are relatively wide so it can accommodate a passenger or goods on a large scale. Because of its nature as an effective mass transit, some countries try to use it to its full potential as the primary means of transportation road transport both within the city, intercity, and interstate.

In terms of propulsion (propulsion)

     steam train
     diesel trains

         consists of

         diesel electric train
         rail diesel hydraulic
     electric train
     sugeng rail

In terms of rail
Conventional rail train
Conventional trains in Jakarta Kota Station

Conventional rail trains are a common rail. Using rail consisting of two metal rods placed in the bearings. In certain areas which possess high levels steep, jagged used rails placed in the middle of the tracks and using special locomotives have gears, and only on the island of Sumatra
Monorail train
The main article for this section are: monorail trains

The monorail trains (single track railway) is a railway track as a train line is not usually found. Rail consists of only one iron rod. The layout is designed to hang on a rail or rails on the tracks. Because efficient, typically used as a means of urban transport, especially in metropolitan cities of the world and is designed much like the overpass

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